Monday 23 June 2008

Sugar In Your Gas Tank

Yesterday a bus spoke to me. Really, it scared the life out of me. I was walking along, and got the point the 17 bus turns around, and I suddenly heard “NEXT STOP – THE THREE TUNNS”. It was not a pleasant experience, as I jumped and swore loudly, and got funny looks off people walking on the other side of the street.
This leads my nicely on to my next point, the public transport pricing system. I find it really annoying. About 3-5 years ago, an adult single on the 17 bus into town was 80p. That’s not bad; it’s only a 10 minute journey. Nowadays and adult single is £1.60. For one, £1.60 is an awkward number to get change out for, and for two, that’s expensive for a 10 minute journey. Just recently, they changed the bus fare to £1.60 instead of £1.50, which seems like a meaningless change. But NO! I figured out the mystery. As £1.60 is such an awkward number, most people would end up paying £2, as they don’t have the right change. They want us all to go eco friendly, and take public transport, but that strategy really ISNT going to work.
Honestly, sometimes I think people in marketing have the brain power of a chimp with Down syndrome.
This, my friends, is sufficient proof that office life IS like Dilbert books.
None of you will understand that reference. This may be mainly because Dilbert books are NOT funny.

See what I’m getting at?
I’ve strayed a bit off topic here, but yeah, public transport sucks

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