Saturday, 21 June 2008

Pete Jackson Is Getting Married

Hello, and welcome to a new revolution.
A revolution of technology
A revolution of Intelligence
A revolution of human kind

So yes, we decided to start a blog. Our new revolutionary blog involves rambles everything from rambles to reviews to Jesse.
As you might have noticed, our text is coloured. If you have half a brain, you will soon figure out a pattern to the colours. However, for the benefit of the stupid ones out there, here is a quick explanation.
I (Olly) will write in RED
Jesse will write in GREEN
And Jingwen will write in PINK =]

Now, that’s fully understood, we can move on to the actually content of the blog.
This is a basic introduction to the writers of these blogs.
Olly – A fifteen year old narcissistic reviewer/blogger. Likes hats.
Jesse – A mentally unintelligent fifteen year old, with a stupid hair cut. Slightly funny looking, and likes Pokémon.
Jingwen – She CHINESE XD (and amazingly cool....ish). Is also a superhero, with the T-shirt to prove it.
So yes, this is the brand new blog of JESOLING
That’s all for now, watch this space for more entries.

1 comment:

Olly said...

i am cool...


J x